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amplitude modulation 【無線電】振幅調制。

This system of modifying the carrier waves is called “ amplitude modulation , “ or “ am “ 這個改變載波的系統稱為“振幅調制”或縮寫為“ am ” 。


This thesis begins with hfc network theory and docsis , analyses modulation / demodulation process of data communication in hfc . then , several theories are analysed including qam ( quadrature amplitude modulation ) , nyquist root square filter , fec ( forward error correction ) , map ( bandwidth allocation map ) . and digital signal transmission involved the other important international standard ? itu - t j . 83 annex a / b , is discussed 本文從hfc網絡理論和docsis協議入手,分析了hfc數據通信的調制解調過程,對qam調制、奈奎斯特均方根濾波器、前向糾錯( forwarderrorcorrection ,簡稱fec ) 、 map通信等進行了闡述;還從中探討了電纜調制解調器需要用到的另一個國際標準ituj . 83annexa / b所設計的mpeg信號的數字傳輸。

The general signal sources represented by arbitrary waveform generator ( awg ) have become the most popular instruments in modern testing domains . awg can not only generate conventional waves such as sine wave , triangle wave , square wave , etc , but also generate unconventional waves such as linear frequency modulation wave , phrase modulation wave , amplitude modulation wave etc , the most important , it can create arbitrary wave 由于它可產生包括各種理想及非理想的波形信號,不但可以產生純凈的正弦波、方波、三角波等常規波形,而且可以產生線性調頻、調相、調幅信號以及程控占空比的低占空比方波,更為重要的是,能夠根據用戶測試需求生成任意波形。

I has mainly discussed the sofeware and hardware of aribrary waveform generator controlled by the microcontroller in my with the control of the high proformance microcontroller - 80c196kc , this instrument builds up the main circuit adopting single tone and dac of ad9857 . in my project , i . have designed some special circuits with the advanced method of eda ( electron design automation ) based on vhdl and cpld . it can produce standard waveforms such as sine , square , triangle , and generate aribrary waveform according to the user ' s demand , at the same time , it has the ability to produce the amplitude modulation signal based on the carrier of sine and the aribrary waveform 論文中主要對微機控制的任意波形發生器的軟硬件設計進行了相應的研究,該任意波形發生器以intel公司16位高性能單片機80c196kc作為控制器,分別利用了ad9857的單音頻模式和dac模式組成正弦波和任意波產生的電路,在硬件電路的設計中采用了先進的eda (電子設計自動化)技術,使用vhdl語言和可編程門陣列器件對一些特殊的電路進行了設計。

Compared with non - passerine , they appeared longer syllable length , higher basic frequency and more viable frequency ranges . though the amplitude modulation properties enhanced their vocal production , the type of syllable is still stable and less of variety . so the phrase consisted of syllables are comparatively few and changes of the tone are relatively less 且表現出很強的頻率調制特性和特有的幅度調制特性,相對的音節時程比較長,基頻較高且頻率變化范圍較大,所特有的幅度調制特性更增加了其控聲的能力,但其音節的種類仍很單一,缺乏變化,由音節所組成的句型較少,音調變化幅度不大,因此,其叫聲質量盡管較非鳴禽有所改善,但相對鳴禽而言卻又遠遠不如。

By adopting qam ( quadrature amplitude modulation ) modulation , we have researched and implemented a high - speed data broadcasting system compatible with dvb ( digital video broadcasting ) standard in the past years , and integrated and applicated the system into sdh / hfc ( synchronous digital hierarchy / hybrid fiber coax ) network for the first time in china 經過多年的研究,開發出了符合dvb標準、采用qam調制方式的陽光網高速數據廣播系統,同時在國內首次實現了基于sdh hfc網絡的高速數據廣播系統集成應用。

At the same tune , the paper analyses and discusses the control projects of the above parts . as for the hardware of the control system , on principle of reliability and considering the badly working condition of the vibratory roller , the paper chooses the special controller sp ecializing in the realm of construction machinery ' s control system in order to insure the reliability of the control system and simplify it . about the control quality of the system , the paper establishes the mathematical modes of the frequency modulation system and the amplitude modulation system , analyses the irrationality of the amplitude modulation project , puts forward to apply proportional - integral - differential controller ( pid controller ) to the traveling system and frequency modulation system 作為控制系統的方案設計的基礎,本文首先對影響壓實效果的振動參數進行了分析;然后針對智能振動壓路機的功能要求,將控制系統分為壓實參數的自動和手動控制、行走控制、轉向和蟹行控制以及智能灑水控制等幾個部分,對各部分的控制方案進行了分析對比和論證;在控制系統硬件設計方面,以可靠性為原則,考慮到振動壓路機的惡劣工況,選擇了專用于工程機械控制領域的專用控制器,使系統的硬件設計得以可靠性保障和簡化;針對控制系統控制品質問題,建立了調頻和調幅系統的控制模型,對調幅系統的控制不合理性進行了分析,提出采用pid控制器對行走和調頻系統進行校正;在軟件設計方面,對各個控制部分進行了軟件編程流程圖設計。

Our results show that pmd induces pulse broadening randomly in high bit - rate optical fiber communications ; the synchronous amplitude modulation control may correct directly any position change of timing jitter and soliton interaction , so the transmission distance and pulse quality will increase further 研究結果表明對于高速率傳輸系統, pmd對脈沖的影響在時域上表現為脈沖形狀的展寬,這種展寬是隨機的;而同步幅度調制是在時域上,將發生形變的脈沖通過振幅調制,恢復原形,從而提高脈沖的傳輸性能。

Second , based on the theory of synthetic discriminant function , several sub - reference images were synthesized to form the reference image base to realize rotation distortion - invariant recognition , which also solved the ill - problem of synthesizing a single reference image with the whole training distorted images and made the pose estimation easier . third , the phase - encoding and amplitude modulation distortion - invariant jtc for multi - target recognition were described 其次,論文采用綜合識別函數方法構成子參考圖像,建立參考圖像庫的方法解決了目標旋轉畸變不變的識別問題,克服了由大量訓練圖像合成單幅參考圖像時,高頻信息損失嚴重的病態問題,并可實現對真實目標旋轉姿態的估計。

As a high band - efficiency digital modulation scheme , dvbc ( digital video broadcasting of cable ) qam ( quadrature amplitude modulation ) modulator is widely adopted in the wide - band communication area , such as hdtv broadcasting , cable modem , microwave communication , satellite communication and so on 正交幅度調制器( qammodulator )作為一種高頻譜利用率的數字調制方式,在高清晰度電視( hdtv )廣播、 cablemodem 、固定寬帶無線接入、衛星通信、數字微波傳輸等寬帶通信領域得到了廣泛應用。

Digital sound broadcasting is a general term covering a wide range of systems and technologies , including eureka 147 and isdb - t , which are designed to replace frequency modulation broadcasting , digital radio mondiale , a possible successor to amplitude modulation , as well as iboc , which is intended to complement the existing am and fm services 數碼聲音廣播?是一個統稱,技術上是分為不同的系統和制式,有取代fm廣播的eureka 147和isdb - t ,也有針對am廣播的drm ,和可以與am fm并存的iboc等系統,它們都有一個共通點,是現時的收音機并不適用。

The reasons of the signal distortion are analyzed , and the relations of receiving bandwidth with distortion degree is discussed , for the more a steady point in the amplitude modulation signal is given by the method of the statistics . looking at the point as the timing reference point of the receiver , the stability of the receiver is less than 100us 分析了接收信號失真和受干擾的原因所在,論述了接收帶寬和失真程度的關系,并在此基礎上,利用統計的方法在調幅信號的下降沿上找到了一個較為穩定的特征點,將其作為接收機的定時參考點,定時不確定度可以達到數十微秒量級。

Digital sound broadcasting is a general term covering a wide range of systems and technologies , including eureka 147 and isdb - t , which are designed to replace frequency modulation ( fm ) broadcasting , digital radio mondiale ( drm ) , a possible successor to amplitude modulation ( am ) , as well as iboc , which is intended to complement the existing am and fm services 數碼聲音廣播?是一個統稱,技術上是分為不同的系統和制式,有取代fm廣播的eureka147和isdb - t ,也有針對am廣播的drm ,和可以與amfm并存的iboc等系統,它們都有一個共通點,是現時的收音機并不適用。

Throw the research we can get the performance of the joint of the unbond precast and pretressed continuous beam and how the moment redistributes . we got the conclusion that compare the monolithic prestressed continuous beam , the unbond precast and pretressed continuous beam has short amplitude modulation capacity 得到預制預應力連續梁接縫處的受力性能,內力重分布的表現形式,并認為在極限荷載下預制預應力連續梁的調幅能力低于整澆式連續梁等特性。

Abstract : in this paper , starting from the generalized huygens - fresnel diffraction integral and b - integral definition , and based on the statistical - optics method , the nonlinear propagation properties of laser beams with amplitude modulations and phase fluctuations have been studied in detail 文摘:廣義惠更斯-菲涅耳衍射積分和b積分定義出發,并利用統計光學方法,對有振幅調制和位相畸變光束的非線性傳輸特性作了詳細研究。

Aiming to achieve mini - type designment , and transmitting farther on the setting frequency band , direct frequency modulation is chosen after comparing the advantage of amplitude modulation with that of frequency modulation 為了實現微小型化的設計,并且使系統在設定的傳輸頻段上傳輸距離較遠,在比較調幅與調頻的優缺點后,我們選擇了直接調頻的調制方式。

We also analysed the influence of amplitude modulation and frequency ( or phase ) modulation on interferometer direction finder . general analysis are also given on coherent jamming etc 對三波道干涉儀測向結果不受幅度調制和頻率調制(相位調制)的影響進行了數學分析。

The sensor is matched with amplitude modulation operation measurement circuit , and relevant anti - jamming step is adopted . the sensor ' s resolving power is up to lg / m2 or 1 v m 傳感器配以調幅運算法檢測電路,并采取了相應的抗干擾措施,使測量精度達到了1g m ~ 2 。

The coupling of noise to signals is simulated by addition , multiplication , convolution , amplitude modulation , or phase modulation etc 并以相加、相乘、 ?旋積、強度調變、或相位調變等方式,模擬雜訊與訊號之結合。